Gay Bream and Jane Pugh from Shrewsbury Flower Club represented Mercia and North Wales Area at the Show. Click on the photo’s to see their lovely designs.
Congratulations to Kate Edwards, she gained a first for her design in class 9, “On Thin Ice”
Also to Joyce Cook 2nd in class 10 *Oh! What a Pantomime!”; Lieneke van der Veen and Margaret Leslie who were commended for their designs in class 13 “Celebration”. and highly commended for Riley James-Smith for his design in Class 17 “Deck the Tree ” .
For a link to the list of winners click here
Also congratulations to Deborah Harris from Bayston Hill Flower Club who won 2nd & 3rd in the photography class ‘Indulgence’ and Patricia Bradshaw, highly commended.